Larry Miami

Software Engineer Front-End.

Black Knight

BlackNight is a turn-based game written in Javascript in which 2 players play each turn to compete.

Built with:

View Project

Film festival

Film Festival is a website that showcases outdoor film events.

Built with:

View Project

Mkahawa Hakiki

Mkahawa hakiki which roughly translates to Restaurant Review is a restaurant review site that offers reviews of restaurants around you.

Built with:

View Project


I'm Larry. I am a Front-End Developer based in Nairobi,Kenya. I am a driven problem solver with a knack for creating aesthetically pleasing code and rich UI's. Interested in the entire front-end spectrum and working on ambitious projects with positive people. I enjoy working with codebases utilizing both MERN & PERN tech stacks.

In my spare time, I like to paint and experiment with new tech. I’m a huge fan of Anime too.!